Lumpectomy and mastectomy patients will have entitlements for fitting and mastectomy products. The entitlements vary depending on your HSE region but I’d be happy to discuss this with you and guide you through the process, liaising with the HSE on your behalf. Consultations are by appointment only and are free of charge with no obligation to purchase.

Medical Card Holders

I am registered with the Health Services Executive (HSE) and am happy to apply to them on your behalf. This will require a prescription form your consultant or GP, I can request this for you directly if that assists. If you are a medical card holder, you are entitled to a bra fitting every year and a prosthesis fitting every 2 years. Some HSE regions also provide swimming prosthesis and a swimsuit every 2 years and I would be happy to guide you through this.

Private Health Insurance

Most private health companies will provide financial assistance for post surgery bras, prosthesis and swimming prosthesis. You will usually have to pay for the items up front and claim the costs back from your health insurer. I can provide a receipt for this and sign any paperwork required for you to make a claim. You will also be able to claim some of the costs via your Med 1 Tax form at the end of the year. If you do not have a medical card, you are entitled to 2 bras and a prosthesis as a first fit following surgery as a private patient. If you are unsure if you qualify or have questions about the process, please feel free to get in touch by phone, text or email.

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